Plug into the New Earth Energy Grid

Plugging into the Golden Diamond Light Grid of the New Earth

A fully supported three month small group programme to master the new energetics and refocus your Health, Wealth and Relationships

Next intake May, 2024


Maybe you’ve connected to some of my channellings, teachings from others, or those omnipresent memes shouting ‘Everything is Energy’. 

And you totally buy it. You know it. You get it.

You’re not just singing from the same song sheet, you’re printing them up and handing them out to passers-by.

So how come you’re just not seeing a shift in your ‘real world’ experience? How do you get to the next stage of your own expansion?

Is it possible that as hard as you try with the affirmations and the tapping and the vision boards, you’re not running your life from the New Earth energy grid?

This will always make your manifestations a bit hit and miss.

If you’re drawn to work with our energetic powerhouse team on this programme, at the end of the 12 weeks you will be re-coded, plugged in and aligned.

I don't say this lightly.

This isn’t an empty promise.

GOLD is truly the most extraordinarily powerful programme I have facilitated and gives you the ability to truly master the New Earth energetics.

If this resonates, I extend a warm invitation to join me for a deeply transformative and potent pathway out of your current way of working in the 3D and into living and creating with ease. Plug yourself into the Golden Diamond Light Grid of the New Earth and watch your life transform.

The Magic of GOLD

How You Will Change

  • You will be plugged into the New Earth energy and disconnected from the 3D Matrix grid. This means the blockages to better health, wealth and happiness will be removed

  • You will become more deeply connected to the inner wisdom of your broader non-physical self

  • You will enjoy a greater feeling of being in control of the creation of your reality

  • You will access and attune yourself to higher frequencies and be more able to consistently hold these frequencies

  • You will become more loving towards yourself

  • You will finally feel free

How We Support You To Do This

  • Eight 90 minute live ‘real-time’ channelled teaching and activation sessions

  • A private community platform for everyday conversations and daily support

  • Access to Maia via email, messenger and whatsapp during the course of the programme [response within 24 hrs]

  • A live, small-group container for support

  • Replays and lifetime access to all materials

Is This Programme Right for Me?

This programme is for you if:

  • You have examined the role you play in the unfolding of your life and you know and accept that you are not a victim to any events or circumstances, but you now need help moving forward

  • You have hit a block in trying to work out how to manage your next stage of energetic expansion

  • You know you have enormous potential to create your ideal life, but you’re feeling the heaviness of working within the current energetic grid

This programme is not for you if:

  • You are not comfortable being part of a small group programme (message me about bespoke 1:1 options)

  • You are under psychiatric supervision

  • You do not believe you are sovereign over your own energy

  • You are concerned you may have energy attachments (I can refer you to practitioners who work in this field)

To Apply

Earlybird price is £1999 which expires May 21 . The standard cost is £2222.
Instalments: Optional three Instalment payments of £777.

Get in touch to apply for the GOLD programme. Email me: maia@maiafrancis.com

Who are your Guides for the GOLD Programme?

This programme is led and facilitated by Maia, however activations, guidance and the broader context of the information provided will come via our collective guides, ‘Steven’.

Steven is an energy who define themselves as a “Collective Cosmic Consciousness”.  This means, that they are not a single energy or being, but an amalgam of energies.  They have made contact with us at this time to support the human collective as we make the shift from a lower state of consciousness into higher, more elevated states. Their dominant focus is on empowering us by reminding us that we have control over our own reality through the choices we make, the perspectives we take and the vibrations we cultivate. They want us to know, feel and remember that we are inherently powerful beings and can change our reality as we desire.

Thoughts on working with Maia

Each session is a transformative experience and worth every penny. The unique combination of channeled wisdom, meditations and light language transmissions has supported me during these challenging times in ways that words fail to describe
— Isabelle O | France
I would recommend working with Maia to everyone who wants to expand in consciousness in a pure loving divine safe and enchanted environment. I have never experienced such a shift, she is a true blessing.
— Ariane Le Roux | Switzerland
It’s not a course really. It’s a journey to your Soul Truth, in such a deeply personal and powerful way, expertly supported by Maia and other light travellers. Truly such a positively joyful and frequency shifting experience.
— Clair Taylor-Powell | United Kingdom

How Does Being Plugged into the New Earth Grid Feel?

Maia Francis

Maia is a direct verbal channel. She was first approached by collective cosmic consciousness, ‘Steven’ to channel for them on a Melbourne - London flight in February 2019. While they have a cheeky and playful relationship, she is deeply grateful to Steven for their kindness, humour, practical approach and compassion when helping humans negotiate the complexities of living through the transition to 5D.
